
Victoria Falls payments due 2025-02-22

The intake into Victoria Falls is complete and has done reasonably well. We are excited for the season!   We are still fitting electronic rings on the last intakes after which we will be able to do a loft listing of all the pigeons.   We are happy to report that we have had high rainfall over the last few weeks which will assist the pigeons during the racing.   Please note that all perch fees for birds shipped plus 1 activ.....

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Update from Victoria Falls 2025-01-10

We wish to thank our loyal supporters for pigeons entered into the Victoria Falls Race and our agents who have marketed and collected birds for us.   The intake into Victoria Falls is progressing well and the intake is ending soon. There are more shipments expected to arrive at the end of January. After quarantine and orientation of the pigeons the remaining pigeons will be entered in the system. After all is complete we will be able to d.....

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News from Victoria Falls 2024-11-07

To our valued customers,   After the first month of intake we have charged what is due to your race account. This is 1 activation per 5 bird team and a perch fee for all birds sent. The charged amount is due and payable upon shipping. We will give regular updates of birds that die which can be replaced. Any replacements are free of charge but can only be received up to the last shipment sent by your agents. If you haven’t already done so please pay your account .....

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1 day left for Best Pigeons auction! 2024-09-28

Best Pigeons Auction The Best Pigeons Auction ends in 1 day, on Sunday 29th. Don’t miss out on obtaining some great birds which have proven themselves in a tough season! Here is the link - Best Pigeons Aucti.....

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Final Race Report & Prize Money 2024-08-05

RACE REPORT FINAL RACE The Final Race was held from Tods Hotel 539 km from the loft with liberation at 6.50 am on Friday 26th July. There was little wind at liberation which soon picked up to a cross wind of up to 12 km/hr. There was some cloud and fog in patches to start but clear at release. The early morning was cold at 16 degrees Celsius but climbed rapidly during the day to 34 degrees Celsius (93 deg F) by 2 pm. From approximately 9.30 am the wind had swung to a .....

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Important Announcement 2024-07-27

To our valued participants,   In light of the difficult race and low returns, as per rule 6.4 we have decided to keep the race open until 19:00 on Sunday 28th. A reminder that any points earned for Super Ace, Grand Averages and Elite are reduced on each day clocked after the first bird.   Best regards Geoff Armand.....

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FINAL RACE 2024-07-24

The basketing for the Victoria Falls Final Race is complete –   The Final Race will be held on Friday 26th from Tods Hotel 539 km Southeast of Victoria Falls. The liberation is planned for 06.50 am. There is a possibility of early morning fog which might delay liberation.   The temperature is expected to be 10 degrees Celsius at liberatio.....

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Training Flight 21 2024-07-21

The last training flight before the Final is tomorrow, Monday 22nd July from 52 km. The pigeons won't fly again until the liberation of the Final on Friday 26th July.   Bonus races are open!   You can view the flight on our Home Page: Basketing List –  https://.....

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Training Flight 20 2024-07-19

Scheduled for tomorrow, 20 July from 52 km.   Bonus races are open!   You can view the flight on our Home Page: Basketing List – Live Results –

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Training Flight 19 2024-07-18

Scheduled for tomorrow, 19 July from 103 km.   Bonus races are open!   You can view the flight on our Home Page: Basketing List – Live Results –

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$1,166,000 USD Enter Now

SUMMARY Total Prizes
Final Race US$826,000 300
5 Hotspots US$250,000 250
Super Ace US$60,000 100
Grand Average US$18,000 30
Elite US$12,000 20
Knock Out Trophy 1
US$1,166,000 701
2025 Final Race Date

25th July 2025

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