
News -> Report on Dr Piet van Zyl's visit

Report on Dr Piet van Zyl's visit 2023-06-27

    Following the poor performance of the race birds from Hotspot 4 on Wednesday 21st June we invited Dr Piet van Zyl to visit us to help identify any issues. We have had 4 bad races from Hotspot 4 over the last 4 years. Thinking that the liberation point could have been the problem we switched the point to our traditional Hotspot 5 position this year which, if flown on line, will take the pigeons in between 2 river systems, Shangani and Gwayi. This route has more available surface water, but the majority of pigeons did not fly along this route to take advantage of water when needed.


    Watch the interview here -  as well as a video of some of Dr van Zyl’s visit here -


    Dr van Zyl addressed everything he could over the 3-day period. He has made useful suggestions, all of which have already been implemented.


    1. Heat stress management. We have had a particularly hot winter this year which is one of the major issues. As Dr van Zyl explained, the results of high heat over a 10 to 14 day period results in a lower feed intake and a corresponding decrease in energy during flight. Even well-watered and cared for pigeons during conveying them doesn’t solve the problem. A contributing factor is a diet that creates heat.



            a. Change the matrix of the feed to reduce the heating effect of the ration.

            b. Change the time of feeding to a cooler time of the day to encourage better intake.

            c. Increase certain amino acids and vitamins including changing the type of vitamin C.


    1. Disease control. Some resistant strains of trichomoniasis were identified. Despite fairly regular treatment, the traditional products used have not been very effective and quickly build up after treatment. If the infection is present (it was found in late arriving pigeons) the infection in hot conditions compounds the problem. No other pathogens were found, and blood samples have been taken for laboratory analysis.



            a. Immediately change the treatment for Tricho to a more modern and still highly effective medication (after one treatment no Tricho pathogens could be found).

            b. Put in place a preventative medication program for disease regardless of the perceived disease status, rather than reacting after diagnosis.



    1. Dr van Zyl agreed with us that is necessary to shorten the next race for Hotspot 5 rather than 500 km which was hoped for. This will give more pigeons a far better chance for the final. It is necessary to mention that the program published in our terms before any birds were shipped to the race was for Hotspot 5 to be held from 435 km. We already flew that distance when we held Hotspot 4 this year. Nobody could have predicted the adverse weather conditions in March when the plan was published with the stated proviso that we held the right to adjust distances if necessary.


    Thank you for the overwhelming support and understanding for the change from fanciers around the world.


    Good luck to the participants in the remainder of the Challenge series.



    $1,166,000 USD Enter Now

    SUMMARY Total Prizes
    Final Race US$826,000 300
    5 Hotspots US$250,000 250
    Super Ace US$60,000 100
    Grand Average US$18,000 30
    Elite US$12,000 20
    Knock Out Trophy 1
    US$1,166,000 701
    2025 Final Race Date

    25th July 2025

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