
News -> Statement explaining Tracker bird clocked 1st in Enduro Final

Statement explaining Tracker bird clocked 1st in Enduro Final 2023-02-03

    Sale of Tracker, Donor and Venture birds

    Victoria Falls World Challenge supports the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust. Part of the proceeds from the sale of Donor birds, Venture birds and Tracker birds are donated to this trust. The Trust is actively involved in the rehabilitation and protection of wildlife in the region, which includes the education of rural people in caring and safeguarding our wildlife, antipoaching and research.

    Tracker birds participate in all races through the Yearling series and the Enduro. These pigeons are not entered in the race and cannot compete for prize money. Their position is however shown on the result to give an indication to fanciers in the race where their pigeon may have flown in relation to tracking information of a similar positioned Tracker. Normally Trackers that arrive at a specific time would have other pigeons flying with them. This is valuable and interesting information. Not all Trackers however carry rings on every race.

    It is necessary to clear the loft of pigeons after the last Enduro race to make space for new birds. All pigeons are sold (stipulated in the rules) even if they were not paid for. This includes Tracker birds. To sell pigeons to best advantage we must show pedigrees and results. No Trackers are sold after the main series (Yearlings) but instead are entered in all races in the Enduro Series and sold thereafter.

    In the case of the Enduro Final a pigeon bred by Geoff Armand, which was a Tracker clocked first. As explained, the birds did not compete for prize money and did not disadvantage any other entrant. Any pigeon that performs well cannot be held back or sold by private arrangement as any potential buyer must have an equal opportunity and we can’t simply keep birds of our choice.

    Sale proceeds from any Tracker birds sold will be a welcomed donation to the Wildlife Trust. We hope you will support the idea and sale.

    $1,166,000 USD Enter Now

    SUMMARY Total Prizes
    Final Race US$826,000 300
    5 Hotspots US$250,000 250
    Super Ace US$60,000 100
    Grand Average US$18,000 30
    Elite US$12,000 20
    Knock Out Trophy 1
    US$1,166,000 701
    2025 Final Race Date

    25th July 2025

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